Mann reveals guilty pleasures on Argentinian Radio!

Mann started promoting his most recent single “Outta My Mind” in South America and he had an interview at popular Argentinian radio show Building the Night. Mann was asked to play a tell-all game in which listeners had the freedom to ask him questions and he was open to responding to all of them. Here are the highlights.

BTN: What is your favourite food?

MANN: Sushi! I’m heading to a great sushi place after this. The best sushi in the World is made in Vancouver.

BTN: When you like somebody what is the first feature you notice?

MANN: The eyes. And I am all about faces, faces last. Bodies can change but faces last.

BTN: What is your favourite book?

MANN: Hopscotch by Julio Cortazar.

BTN: Favourite movie?

MANN: Big Fish. It really moves me.

BTN: What television shows are you watching now?

MANN: I just finished watching Sense8 on Netflix. Loved that show! Obsessed!

BTN: What are your thoughts on politics?

MANN: Well, that’s a big topic. In Canada things aren’t as intense right now as a place like Mexico. We have our issues, of course. I do feel as an artist I have a social responsibility when it comes to that. It truly breaks my heart to see how Mexico is falling apart with this terrible and corrupt government.

BTN: Is there somebody you dislike? Would you like something bad to happen to that person?

MANN: I have spent over ten years performing and my young-adult life was pretty much in the spotlight. Part of being an artist involves being judged. I have been hurt many times by many people, close and not so close. I wish them well and their happiness. I just don’t want them near me if they are gonna be destructive.

BTN: What is a most-do in Vancouver?

MANN: Well, that is a huge question. Whistler is gorgeous, camping and hiking. Visiting the Olympic Village, Stanley Park, and the list goes on. Just come visit and I will give you a tour!

BTN: What is your biggest inspiration when you write music?

MANN: My life. My struggle as a Latino fitting in Canada. Love. Being in love and hurting because of love.

BTN: What is the theme of your single?

MANN: “Outta My Mind” talks about a big crush. You know, when you have a person in your head all day long and you no longer know where you guys stand. You’re friends, and more than friends, but nothing serious yet. It really explores that emotion. It’s a good dance track.

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